Saturday, December 31, 2005

La casa microscópica

Participating with one track "nie shien" in Roberto Rodrigo's collaborative project at Montgó Records. Released the last day of 2005.

La casa microscópica.

Montgo records is proud to announce that "la casa microscopica" is out.
Montgo records está orgulloso de anunciar la salida de "la casa microscopica"

This project was an invitation to different creators in a common idea. The idea was investigate our most inmediate sound field, using for the composition only sounds generated by objects or beings inside our living place (or these that being outside we can hear them inside). This sounds could be processed any way, always they have been registered in the house. This project
was open to free contribution.

Este proyecto nació como una invitación a la colaboración de distintos creadores en una idea común. Se trataba de investigar en el campo sonoro más inmediato, el interior de nuestra casas. La idea era realizar una composición utilizando como fuentes sonoras , los diferentes objetos o seres que se encuentran en el interior de la vivienda de cada uno (o aquellos que provengan de fuera pero se escuchen desde ésta). Estos sonidos puedían ser procesados de cualquier manera, siempre que provengan o sean registrados en el interior de la casa. El proyecto estaba abierto a la libre participación.

Artistas colaboradores:
Pablo Reche, Marco Godme, Plumb & Plumber, Justino (Ruidobello), Maura Beregiamo & daniele cortese, Talk show host, Yituey, Dario Moratilla, Omnid, Ruben Patiño, David Velez, Bjorn Eriksson.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rotsidan pictures

I was emptying my mobile camera for service reasons and discovered these photos from Rotsidan in the "High Coast" area, or Höga Kusten in swedish. These were taken late august 2005. I was surprised by the beauty of the colors in the stones and the contrasts to the sea so I thought I'd just share some of these here.


On the 3rd of december I took part in the Dial-A-Diva project, the fantastic project initiated by Zoë Irvine. Read more on it on the website or here. In short there were global singing performances over the telephone network during 24 hours. A callcenter function in Scotland connected performers with the audience. The Dial-A-Diva builds upon a long but nowadays often forgotten history in in using telephone network for opera and theater performances. Theatrophone was the name of the invention. Read more on this (in swedish) here.
Since I am not a stage singer I choose to take part of this in more small scale with some voice to harmonium improvisations, or if you reverse it some voice improvisation over some harmonium playing. Maybe I post some of the sounds on my podcast later.

Happy Rusty Tunnel & Duke Bokks

So finally I managed to get together the Rusty Tunnel piece. It got to be named "Happy Rusty Tunnel [a1]", the a1 indicating this to be the first track on a-side of a coming ep with clarinet pieces. Yes, I got my clarinet out and did some live playing alongside the electronig treatenings. Also check the "Duke Bokks [a2]" which is made in similiar manner. One or two more two come soon.

Happy Rusty Tunnel [aI]

This is the first clarinet piece.

-->please comment

Genre: Abstract
Album: Germination ?
Credits: MIDI-treated guitar loops by Blind Mime, reading from Don Campau Guest Artist, clarinets by International Garbageman. Mix by International Garbageman

Duke Bokks [aII]

This is is the second clarinet piece.

-->please comment

Genre: Abstract
Album: Germination ?
Credits: Loops and samples by Michael Thomas Jackson Guest Artist, clarinet by International Garbageman. Mix by International Garbageman

Duke Bokks [aII]